Terms & Conditions
1.These terms & conditions apply to Stagewise / RAW Weekly Workshops & Holiday Workshops provided to each Stagewise student, applied for & consented to by each students parent or guardian . Changes to these terms & conditions require the written consent of Stagewise/ RAW .Terms & conditions to be reviewed each term following recommended Covid19 Government guidelines.
2.An application for a place at Stagewise/ RAW will only be accepted & secured when using the Class4kids online booking system & upon receipt of full payment or monthly instalment payment. Your child's place is secured & your child will automatically be re -enrolled each new term .
3.Workshop fees cannot be refunded in cases where students have missed workshops due to holidays or illness, unless there are exceptional circumstances which are discussed , agreed & accepted by Stagewise./ RAW . In the event of a Government Covid19 lockdown or a full workshop bubble isolation period , all Stagewise / RAW workshops will transfer online using the Zoom platform.No refunds will be available. Stagewise / RAW cannot accept responsibility for any technical issues experienced by participants & no refunds will be issued.
4.Stagewise / RAW require half a terms written notice should you no longer wish to keep your child's place at Stagewise / RAW . Workshop places are strictly limited so the notice period must be adhered to.
5.I agree to abide by & adhere to all Stagewise/ RAW COME BACK SAFELY Covid19 policies & procedures . I agree to inform Stagewise / RAW of any Covid related incidents or issues .
6.Stagewise / RAW reserve the right to exclude students from workshops if deemed necessary .
7.Stagewise /RAW students participate in all workshops at their own risk . Students are obliged to inform the Stagewise / RAW office & workshop facilitators of any existing injuries or medical conditions.In the unlikely event of an emergency , i hereby give permission for my child to be taken to hospital accompanied by a member of the Stagewise/ RAW team .
8.Stagewise / RAW students are obliged to take care of their own personal belongings. Stagewise/ RAW can accept no responsibility for any lost or damaged personal belongings.
9.The liability of Stagewise/ RAW & Stagewise / RAW staff is restricted to workshop times only & then only to gross negligence or intent. Failure to carry out an important contractual obligation is governed by the normal standard of care.
10.I give permission for Stagewise / RAW to hold information & data to be processed under GDPR as per our privacy policy which is available to view in Stagewise/ RAW Class4kids settings . By reading this form you give consent to this data being handled , to the acceptance of photographic / film consent , to be used on social media platforms & agree to the terms of Stagewise / RAW .
1.Your child must agree to pay attention & participate as they would in a face to face workshop.
2.Children must follow all of the teachers instructions during the Zoom workshop.
3.Children must ask the teacher should they wish to leave the Zoom workshop for any reason.
4.Chidren are not permitted to use mobile phones or to message other students during the Zoom workshop.
5.Children must not have other browsers or apps open during the online workshop.
6.Screenshots & recording of workshops is strictly prohibited.
7.I confirm that a parent/guardian will be present to greet the teacher at the start & end of a workshop & will be in earshot during the workshop incase any technical assistance is required.
8.I give permission for Stagewise / RAW to hold information/ data to be processed under GDPR as per our privacy policy.
9.I hereby consent for my child to be photographed & digitally recorded & for this to be shared for the purpose of publicity including print, online & social media .
10.We require one months written notice should you no longer wish to keep your child's place at Stagewise / RAW.